Thursday, August 7, 2014

Last Assignment

I truly enjoyed writing up the lesson plan for this last assignment for this class. I think it really got me thinking about how I can use technology day-to-day in the classroom to mix up instruction. Students today do not want to come to school and hear every single teacher lecture all day about their subject. Instead we can mix it up and let the students do research and then let them become the teacher. Kids learn really well from their peers, so why not give them the opportunity to do so. It will also let students find the information themselves instead of just being told it. Students learn best when they do something so why not give them the opportunity to do just that. I think I would like to do something like this at least once a unit that way it mixes up the days and lets the kids explore and have fun. Eventually I would like to try more than just Glogster with the students but I think for now I will just focus on that one, that way I can master it too and become a good resource for help on the program.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Almost graduation

This week as graduation nears, I have been reflecting on what my classes have taught me and how I can implement them into my classroom. I think the technology resources will be some of the easiest ones for me to and my district will be happy with them, as we have a technology goal that each teacher must meet during the year. I also like the idea of using more technology because students today are very familiar with it and it is such an important part of their life that it makes sense to relate it to education. I have a class website but I am going to do update it and try to use it more often. I am definitely going to suggest that my students use some of the tools throughout the year as ways to help them study and increase their knowledge of Physics.